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The GOBO podcast is for senior people wanting to lift the lid on the human side of organisational performance and takes a hard (and sometime irreverent) look at things that are staring us right in the face. Subscribe here for episodes and articles.

Some quick snippets of Season 1 to get you started.

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Taking a closer look

Joe dives deeper into the topics raised on each episode.

“There’s always an answer to every organisational performance or development issue. But not every answer is going to work in your context.  Sometimes you have to shine the torch-light in a different way and come at it from a different angle.”

Joe España

 Get to know Joe

Joe España

Managing Consultant, Coach

Founder and Managing Consultant with over 30 years of qualified experience consulting and coaching with global brands.

“I believe that every enterprise is ultimately a human enterprise.  Shouldn’t we be trying to make it the best human enterprise possible?”

I don’t label myself as an expert guru or thought leader in all things Culture, Leadership, Team Effectiveness or Employee Engagement.

But I do feel that I’ve done a 30+ year apprenticeship in these subjects, coming out the other side knowing something about the huge, subtle, nuanced, inspiring and – yes, sometimes annoying – roller-coaster ride called organisational behaviour.  I’ve got the bits of paper to prove it. 

I help senior business and HR leaders build the organisational cultures that your people and customers want.  More human, more compassionate, more inspiring, more fun, less bureaucratic and more productive.

I’ve made more mistakes than I care to mention, but I will, so you don’t.

Apart from all that . . (in case anyone’s interested) . . I’m an ISTP in Myers-Briggs terms (although I’m a bit Ambivert).  I also report out as a Sc in DiSC terms. 

In case the surname hasn’t given you a clue yet, I’m a Spaniard living in the UK.  My education, mostly in the UK, also includes spells in Spain and the US, and I continue to be a student of organisational behaviour.

I continue to expanding my cooking repertoire.  I think about running, while not actually taking it up, but I’m a keen amateur woodworker so that keeps me busy too.

If any of you have been on a Zoom or Teams call with me you will have noticed I am a voracious reader (my daughter is in competition with me for a record number of books read in a full year).  My interests are generally eclectic.  My favourite film is Casablanca, which coincidentally is my birth town.

So if you are remotely interested, come and join me and my guests on my podcast series – GOBO, Glimpses Of the Blindingly Obvious.  And if you’re looking for consultancy for organisational change and performance improvement check out our services here.




Why not get involved. If you have any questions you’d like me to pose my podcast guests then just get in touch.

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